Are you nervous, anxious or on edge?  Have you struggled to control your worry and focus on what matters most?  Do your thoughts keep you up at night, constantly cycling through the many stressors in your life?  Does your heart tend to race, body sweat and shake, or go into full-blown panic attacks? 

Let me help. I serve those from 18 to 65 years of age. My name is Dr. Chris Wolf, and I am here for you. 

As a therapist, neuropsychologist, and board-certified psychologist with more than three decades in the field, I’ve helped so many people overcome their fears and worries.  I founded Fearless Mind because I believe that no one should have to face life’s hardships alone – including you. 

If you are ready to get started, contact me today!  To learn more about anxiety and how psychotherapy can help, read on.

Do I have a problem with anxiety?

Anxiety affects the whole person, with symptoms cropping up physically, psychologically, and emotionally

You might feel nauseous or queasy. You might act irritated or angry.  You may have racing or uncontrollable worrisome thoughts, such as:

  • Do people like me?

  • Does my spouse care about me?

  • What if my boss hates me?

  • What if the stock market crashes?

  • Will we have another terrorist attack?

  • What if he/she is elected/reelected?

  • What if the COVID-19 pandemic never ends?

Or, you might have all of the above!  Each of us experiences anxiety in our own unique way. 

No matter how you experience anxiety, you know you have a problem when the anxiety gets in the way of living your best life.  If you can’t reach your goals, perform your best, or live well because of anxiety, professional help is warranted. 

Those with anxiety often feel like they are living in a constant state of fear. They often feel so guarded that they want to just stay home. Going out can feel exhausting. Even concentrating on reading the newspaper or watching TV can be difficult. Anxious thoughts can be hard to turn off and they are, well, just exhausting. Even if you realize that some of these thoughts are not rational, it can still be so hard to turn them off.

Anxiety is robbing your productivity, daily pleasure, and dreams for the future.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Get the help you deserve, and contact me today.  As a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist (CBT), I provide the highest level of evidence-based treatment for anxiety – which means you get results.  I know that you can feel better, find joy, and regain a sense of confidence and safety.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a global term for feelings of fear, muscle tension, apprehensiveness, or worry. Everybody gets anxious at times and an optimal amount of tension actually helps us to function well.  

In fact, having some anxiety is actually a good thing! 

If you were never anxious or nervous, how would you know how to take care of yourself? How would you know not to rush across a busy highway? Or to be careful of your footing when walking along the edge of a cliff? Or to be careful when coming close to a potentially dangerous animal?

Feelings of anxiety make us aware of danger.  

These feelings guide us to take care of ourselves. But when these feelings occur when not needed or when the emergency is not real, then it begins to interfere with our life and happiness.

Anxiety is Helpful to an Extent

Anxiety is Helpful to an Extent

 Some people suffering from anxiety want to get rid of their feelings completely. While this seems appealing, it is a bad idea. Being alert with anxiety can be helpful, as the optimal amount of alertness or anxiety helps us to perform at our best. 

Are there different types of anxiety?

People can feel anxious about anything.

You might have specific fears, such as a phobia of spiders (specific phobia), fear of other people and how they might react (social anxiety), worry about your health (health anxiety), or a tendency to worry about many topics (generalized anxiety disorder).

Acute Stress is the most common form of stress.  It comes from the demands and pressure of the recent past and expected demands and pressures of the near future. Acute stress is thrilling and exciting in small doses, but too much is exhausting. A fast run in the morning, for example, is exhilarating early in the day. That same run late in the day after a long day of work is taxing and wearing. Skiing beyond your limits can lead to falls and broken bones. Excess short-term stress can lead to worry, tension headaches, upset stomach and other symptoms. 

Episodic Acute Anxiety is more frequent and characterized by those who may be leading disorder lives in chaos and crisis. They're always in a rush and frequently late. If something can go wrong, it does. These people take on too much, have too much on their plate. They might have difficulty keeping organized and managing time well.  Symptoms of episodic acute anxiety can include persistent tension headaches, migraines, hypertension, chest pain and heart disease. Are you or someone you care about suffering in silence from episodic acute anxiety? Do you want to learn how to manage this anxiety?

Chronic Anxiety is just what it sounds like.  People with chronic anxiety constantly live under the strain and pressure of fear and worry. Chronic anxiety is also quite deadly, as research has found that it increases risk of suicide, heart attack, stroke, and even cancer.  The body simply wears down. The symptoms of chronic anxiety are challenging and may require extended medical and behavioral treatment and anxiety management training.

No matter what kind of anxiety you might be experiencing, therapy can help.  Contact me today to learn more.

Where can I get help?

I am here for you.

As a therapist, my job is to work myself out of a job.  I strive to help you overcome whatever life has thrown your way.  I take an evidence-based, results-driven approach to my work.

I have been a licensed psychologist since 1988. For the past decade, I have been working with active duty service members of all genders from all branches of service, and most recently veterans. I have had extensive experience with addressing health-related problems by providing evidence-based cognitive behavioral and mindfulness-based therapies.

We will start with a comprehensive biopsychosocial interview assessment to develop a clear understanding of your struggles and strengths. Our objective will be to create lasting change to propel you toward your desired reality.  We will collaborate together on which objectives are most likely to be effective (and, of course, comfortable) for you. 

Contact me today to get started.

Recommended Reading

  • “Feeling Good”, David Burns

  • “Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers”, Robert Sapolsky

  • “The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook” and “Coping with Anxiety”, Edmund J. Bourne

  • “Mind over Mood” (Workbook), Dennis Greenberger and Christine Padesky

Interested?  Let’s Talk!

Interested in signing up for your first session?  Don’t wait – I’d love to hear from you!  I work with adults from all over St. Augustine, Florida and the surrounding area – people just like you.

If you have questions or would like further information, let me know!  I offer free 20 minute consultations to help you get a sense of how I work. 

Phone: (904) 834-5761