Stress Treatment Can Change Your Quality of Life
Is it a struggle for you to relax because there is always the next thing to do?
Is going to sleep a struggle or do you wake up in the middle of the night thinking about what happened that day or what may happen tomorrow?
Do you awaken feeling overwhelmed and dreading the day ahead?
Perhaps you are frequently in fear of letting people down at home or work.
Have you been feeling that life has become a burden and you no longer have those periods of happiness? Do you just feel out of balance?
Do you believe there is always just too much to do at home, work or in your career? Have you felt guilty for wanting to take a break?
If this describes you, you should consider one of the best psychologists in The area. talk to someone who Can help.
Job Pressures - Co-worker tension, bosses, work overload
Money – Loss of job, reduced retirement, medical expenses
Health - Health crisis, terminal illness; chronic illness
Relationships - Divorce, loneliness, death of spouse, arguments with friends
Others include poor diet, loss of sleep and media overload
Anxiety, Stress and Depression
Stress Affects Health
As the stress builds the tension in your body becomes more noticeable. Often times you will notice discomfort in your neck, lower back, jaw or stomach. You may be more prone to ulcers in your mouth or changes in your skin. Sweaty palms, headaches, shortness of breath or racing heart are common. You may feel trapped and fear a panic attack.
Friends and Family May Not Understand
In order to avoid the outside triggers of stress many people begin to isolate themselves which may be misunderstood or misinterpreted by those in your life. They may begin to ask you why you no longer attend social activities. You worry about the impact on your partner or family.
Friends or family Who Are telling you “not to worry” tends to compound your stress. You may feel misunderstood or even guilty.
You may begin to wonder what are the deeper causes of your stress. You yearn for the days when life seemed simpler.
Normal Vs. Chronic Stress
Stress is a fact of life and not something we can or even should avoid. But, when stress begins to affect the quality of your life it is time to act.
Unfortunately, we are not taught to cope with stress in school. When I ask people I meet how they cope with stress, my question is often met with silence. Most people give more thought to what vehicle or appliance they are going to buy than to how they will cope with the stress that causes the issues noted above.
As a psychologist, I have seen how stress evolves into full blown anxiety disorders or clinical depression and interferes with health and function.
I have also witnessed how powerful the support and guidance of an expert can be to overcoming toxic stress. With over 30 years of experience in stress treatment I know you can develop the skills necessary to tame stress and live a full and healthy life.
Stress Treatment Can Help You Regain a Sense of Freedom and Joy in Your Life
Therapy for stress is a great luxury. When your life has become too stressed to manage daily tasks, it is past time to act to change. Online treatment and coaching provided by my practice can make it more convenient for you to participate in services for change.
Investing in your wellness with a plan tailored to meet your unique needs can work to improve your quality of life. You will learn helpful skills and develop a toolkit you can use between appointments. These stress reduction methods will reduce the stress before it gets out of hand.
Types of Stress Treatment
I am a strong advocate of scientifically-based treatments for stress and other forms of human suffering. These methods can include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Solution-Focused Counseling, Habit Change, Mindfulness Stress Reduction, Education on Wellness topics related to your personal situation, Assertive Communication Skills, and others.
Let’s look at these methods a little closer:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
You will find this very interesting because the method is designed to help you become your own counselor. It is not the things that happen to people that cause them to feel the way they do. Rather, it is how you perceive events in your life. Your internal self-talk is a key piece in helping you to cope better with stress in your life. We will work together as a team on discovering the automatic thoughts that drive your stress.
Mindfulness Stress Reduction
This method which has become more well known in recent years by the public helps you focus more on the present. You have a current reality and most people have preferred reality. Your present moment is all you have and is in the gap. We will work together on centering yourself in the present and responding with lowered arousal methods in response to cues you will determine. As a result, you will be able to cope with what is ahead of you more easily and confidently. I practice this daily and it has helped me personally to stay more focused and centered.
Habit Change
In his book on Habit Change, Charles Duhigg, talks about a young woman who over two years transformed almost every aspect of her life. She quit smoking, ran a marathon, and was promoted in her job. The patterns inside her brain, neurologists discovered on tests, have fundamentally changed. You will learn about habit hooks, cues, routines and rewards that form your stressful habits and that you can change.
Solution-Focused Counseling
Far too often people focus solely on the problems without giving substantial focus on the solutions. To manage stress more effectively, solutions that work for your unique lifestyle must be found. Like Mindfulness, we will focus on your present and future circumstances and goals rather than past experiences. After all we cannot change the past. This is a goal-oriented approach and we will focus upon problem-solving methods that work to reduce stress and improve wellness.
Assertive Communication
Ineffective or faulty communication styles can lead to substantial stress in your life. Failure to express your thoughts, feelings and attitudes in a way that demonstrates self-resect while still respecting others can cause a bunch of stress. Have you ever held things in and later exploded afterwards regretting what happened? Or, maybe you have just held it in and stuffed it? Regardless this can be solved.
Why is Stress Therapy Worth the Time and Expense?
Over the past 30 years, I have help countless people to regain better management of their stress and life I have witnessed how beneficial a little extra guidance can be to helping them become unstuck. With the help of an experienced psychologist and coach you can escape the cycle of stress and develop more freedom and greater happiness.
It is Not Uncommon for People to Have Concerns About Stress Treatment
“I am too stressed and don’t have the time – how can I make it to appointments?”
Since I work exclusively online, appointments can be scheduled to avoid drive time, leaving the home or office, and reduces the concerns some may have related to childcare. It is well worth your time to get started.
“My stress is worse than other peoples. How can you help me?”
Your situation is unique. By tailoring the stress therapy to your special circumstances and needs we will be able to make progress. Of course, there is no major potion or bullet. It will require effort on your part and engaging in activities between sessions to make change occur. It is worth speaking with a Board certified professional who has experience with many types of stress.
“Is Stress Treatment worth the investment.”
Sadly, if you do the same thing this year you did last year you will get the same result. Actually, it is possible things could evolve and get worse as noted above. If you could have found the answers to your stress on your own you would have already. We all need little help sometimes. You are worth it.
“What about medication?”
When prolonged stress develops into major depressive disorder or various types of anxiety disorders mediation may be helpful.Counseling and therapy will still be needed for long-term change. However, medication should never be the first line of treatment for stress.
You Can Bust Stress and Become More Healthy
If you think we might be a good fit schedule a FREE initial 15-minute Strategy Session. Just click the link below. See you on the other side.
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