Are you stressed out? Here are Some Helpful Suggestions for Improving Your Health During These Troubling Times
Relaxation and anxiety treatment methods in St. Augustine, Florida and beyond are an important part of coping with the stress we are experiencing in today’s world.
Relaxation methods are critical, whether the trigger is the news about the pandemic, the social isolation many are experiencing, worries about social unrest, interpersonal distress or economic or job loss.
Coping with stress more effectively will help you solve problems confronting you much better.
Simple techniques might include meditation, calm breathing exercises, bubble baths, calming music, resting in a quiet place, or yoga.
Exercising intermittently throughout the day is best.
By developing this habit of relaxation, even for a few minutes, you will begin to change your brain by developing this important habit.
By simply incorporating more steps into your daily routine you can improve your health and wellbeing.
Park your vehicle farther from the entrance to your destination. Set an alarm to go off every hour and simply walk about your environment. Doing this daily and getting in about 250 steps an hour will pay off with great dividends for health and stress reduction.
Sleep is Helped by Daily Calming Methods
These are effective at improving the quality of your sleep. Sleep is a critical factor in better daytime cognitive functioning and mood management.
Research has consistently shown that poor sleep quality results in irritability, diminished attention, reduce short-term memory and interpersonal distress related to lower tolerance for frustration.
Most adults need seven to eight hours of sleep nightly. A few only need four to five hours. of sleep to feel rested but this is rare. Deploying relaxation techniques described in this article s can help reduce anxiety and alleviate stress, insomnia and even depression.
Deep Breathing is a Portable Yet Simple Strategy
You can do calm breathing anywhere at any time. Take a deep calming breathe from your diaphragm and hold it for five seconds. Then, slowly exhale for seven or more seconds and be aware of the tension leaving your body. Do it now.
You have just stimulated your parasympathetic nervous system. This is the part of our nervous system that restores your energy and vitality.
Do this five times three times a day or as needed. But remember not to just do it when you are stressed. Recall, we are working on developing habits for change which require repetition and practice at times when we are not extremely stressed.
Do you have an important event coming up?
Practice a lowered arousal methods before the event for better focus and effectiveness. Sit down or lie down in a quiet space. Imagine the upcoming event and picture yourself going through the experience with great confidence. This works very well for important meetings, sensitive discussions with significant others in your life or a job interview. Really any circumstance where you anticipate being stressed.
Knowing how to relax can significantly improve the quality of your life. When I work with people in psychotherapy, counseling or coaching, we most always start a session with a brief calming method.
Generally, regardless of the main presenting problem, it has been my experience over many years that all of my clients benefit from learning lowered arousal methods.
Improve Your Mental Health and Relationships
Good mental health involves an optimal way of thinking, relating to others, and feeling which will be enhanced by being calmer in body, mind and spirit.
Symptoms and signs of emotional distress include irritability, moodiness, fatigue, poor sleep, headaches, and sadness.
Prolonged Stress Kills
Constant anxiety and stress has serious implications for your physical and behavioral health.
In terms of your heart health, anxiety can increase the risk of developing coronary disease by 26%. The odds of dying after a heart attack jumps to 48%.
This week, consider trying one of the relaxation methods discussed above or another alternative. Be vigilant of the less helpful methods you are using to cope with the stress in your life such as food, alcohol, nicotine or other substances. Give it a try, your body and mind will thank you.
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