Stress Management Therapy That Works at Fearless Mind
There are numerous evidence based stress management therapies that are effective in helping people overcome stress. Evidence based of course relates to the fact that there is scientific research to back up how helpful or effective the approach is to overcoming stress.
Exposure Therapy
Exposure therapy involves the placing a person in a very stressful or situation that produces the anxiety related to the feared object or situation. They are then allowed to build a tolerance to the feeling of stress. This method is usually done in gradual steps over time. For example, if the person has a fear of giving a speech, they may first imagine giving a speech to a small group of people they know. Then, look at a picture of a themselves in front of a group of people, and keep building up to being in front of larger and larger groups of people. They then give a talk to a smaller group of people and over time gradually to larger and larger groups. This approach is highly effective but often has low retention rates due to people fearing they will not be able to cope with exposure.
In other words the person needs to be highly committed to the process lest they drop out. However, if the agreement is to go slow over time with substantial support this approach can be one of the most effective.
Success should be viewed as success, no matter how small the accomplishment may seem. You can use past experiences to highlight your ability to succeed in any therapeutic endeavor. Maybe you raised your hand in class, laughed out loud, or cared enough to hold the door for someone. Keep a list of these moments to remind yourself of these victories when life is hard.
Sleep Problems and Stress
People often ignore the impact of sleep. Of course sleep can be affected by stress. Thus, it is often important to incorporate good sleep hygiene into your stress therapy program. Getting enough rest and sleep is so important to your ability to recover from stressful events in your life.
Stressful Thoughts
Looking at your thoughts, also known as cognitions, is important in any effective stress therapy. This helps people put into perspective and make sense of the bad memories. People often remember stressful event differently than how it happened. Often this has been seen in veterans who feel guilt or shame about something that is not their fault. The psychologist helps people with PTSD look at what happened in a realistic way.
When the event occurred can also be an important factor. Perhaps the person was traumatized as a child. They may be stuck in that time viewing the event through the same lenses as the child would. But now they are an adult. Viewing the event with the strength and power of adulthood may be therapeutic in and of itself. A skilled therapist will help the client identify this history.
Irritable Bowl and Stress
Sometimes people develop irritable bowel related to stress. Diarrhea, pain, and spasm may occur and even affect the persons willingness to travel too far from the home. One may become preoccupied with where the closest restroom is located. In other cases, a stressed person may develop constipation. Your healthcare provider may prescribe fiber supplements or have you take something to loosen your stools. Different medicines are used for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), depending on your symptoms.
Establishing Rapport
The effective psychologist is flexible. They will be cautious if the stressed person is fearful of the interventions suggested. Some people make rapid progress but others need more time.
Although the effective psychologist is persuasive, having a good relationship with the person, which includes trust, is important to successful outcome. The best psychologists will pay attention, gather new information, test hypotheses about the person's stress, and is willing to change course if they are wrong. The best psychologists will seek second opinions if needed, refer to other specialists, and use the evidence based methods noted above.
Deep Breathing
Finally, relaxed breathing is one of the simplest and most effective stress-management techniques. It is portable and can be used anywhere at any time. There are numerous relaxed breathing exercises that can be used. However, it is important that you try the methods and practice consistently. Often, I have encountered a person who will say relaxed breathing has not been helpful to them. But, I then learn they really never practiced the method.
I hope this article about stress treatment has been helpful. Please consider a FREE initial 20-minute consultation session if you would like to work on your own stress and or anxiety.
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