Insights into How Successful People Everywhere Discover Life Balance and Overcome Fear of Success
They begin by overcoming obstacles.
Obstacle: The Risk is too Great.
Risk or Challenge
Mental transformation is the key to physical transformation.
Your chosen habits will change the way you look but more importantly the way you feel about yourself.
When you procure the latest and greatest dream pill, exercise machine, or five-minute way out, we're just prolonging a true makeover by trying to find an easy way out. Persistence and determination are the real miracle pill.
Save you time, money, and frustration. That approach never works.
You will never feel a true sense of fulfillment with this type of "magic bullet" approach.
You must begin from the inside. Changing your thoughts and beliefs.
Challenge yourself to live in balance. Most importantly, strengthening your inner self and mind.
You need to set commanding goals and transform your old, self-defeating thoughts into new, empowering beliefs. You will then transform your habits so that you produce results and achieve your goals.
You must be patient. Most people start and give up in days or weeks. You can't transform a lifetime of poor habits in a matter of days. Habits require repetition and practice. Start with mini habits and build from there. Don't be the person that joins a gym on New Years and sets unrealistic goals and quits by March or April.
Success Strategy: Follow an Inside-out Approach.
To successfully transform your mind and body first focus on increasing your confidence. You will be able to create extraordinary results for a lifetime.
Obstacle: Can You Stay Committed?
There's a big difference between intentions and action. The difference is commitment.
Commitment to our goals leads us to achievement. There is a relationship between motivation and commitment. You need to create a sense of immediate importance and start now.
Be clear on your why. Right now, ask yourself the following questions?
What will this cost me if I don't change now? What has the cost to me been so far?
What has been the impact on my health, income, self-confidence, and energy levels?
If I put off change, how will I feel about myself? What is the impact on my life?
What will I gain as a result acting now?"
Your answers to these questions will help you gain insight and help you commit.
Success Approach: Specify Your Motives.
Specifically identify your motives for desiring to change. Make them so undeniable that you become truly committed to achieving your life ambitions.
Obstacle: I Don’t Have the Confidence I Need to Succeed.
Believe in Yourself
The accomplishment of our goals might seem overwhelming. The immediate temptation is to give up before we even begin. Yet, we don't want to take action until our confidence levels are raised sufficiently. See the "catch"?
To gain confidence, you must break your success goal into measurable steps. This is where the SMART goals mentioned in other articles come into play.
Small steps to success beats fear. You will discover newfound confidence. You will have achieved what you once thought was impossible. One micro-step at a time.
Success Strategy: Measure your Progress.
Success is accomplished through measuring your progress. You will build your confidence with each and every step.
Obstacle: I Need More Motivation.
Have an image of the things you desire. If it is a better home, find an image and position it where you will see repeatedly. Type out your motives for desiring to achieve this objective. Studies have shown that this technique helps you on track to your goals.
You will be pointing your subconscious mind toward the realization of these results. The focus is brought to the center of your awareness.
Success Strategy: YOUR INSPIRATION.
What is your inspiration? Find inspiration in the success stories of others. People who have each reached their goals and are now helping others do the same. Look to legitimate sources on YouTube to help you.
Final thoughts
You can be more, do more and have more. Following the guideline in this article will be a good first start. Stayed tuned for more important success articles.