Tips for Successful Online Relationships Today
Finding someone online that interests you enough to pursue an online relationship is not easy. Once you have found that person you need to develop that relationship which takes some time. In many respects, some may say that internet dating is easier than in person relationships. But, in reality it is pretty much the same. You’re just distant at first. Dating tips are similar, but they are a little more nuanced then if you are face-to-face.
Safety First
Even if the person sounds fabulous online you must be careful. There are some people out there that are being what you want them to be, but with hidden agendas. Firstly, do not to give the person on the other end any contact information numbers regardless of how good they sound.
Be Real with yourself
Slow and Steady in New Relationships is Best
Relationship advice needs to account for the fat that we are all a bit different. Advice from one person to another only reflects that one person’s opinion. It may not be relevant for you.. Apply it with modification to who you are. Dont modify who you truly are, it will only come back to bother you later on.
Slow and steady is Best
One dating tip is to take it slow. Some might call this dating tip the restriction of to-much-information (TMI.) Do not have an online relationship develop 80 percent in several weeks. Reveal personal information slowly. Mystery can help to build the relationship over time. Wha are your requirements or nonnegotiable factors in a relationship. What are your needs or where you are willing to be flexible. Be aware of these and then see if this person matches especially the requirements.
This internet dating advice requires a bit of work. Voice inflection when online is lost. Intonation is one of those things that we often take for granted. Meaning can be lost without it. If you are sarcastic you can quickly lose somebody if they dont know how the words are intended. This is one of the reasons that emoji, gifs and stickers have come about. The problem can be that some people find these notations a bit cutesy. But that also tells you something about the person.
Let’s Talk
Some people say that the art of conversation is gone. This may also apply to online dating. Using text abbreviations and having assumptions may make internet relationship building more impersonal. Use simple but descriptive whole words to define and refine what you are discussing. Words may say quite a bit about who you are. For example: I like exercise because of the way it makes me feel after a long stressful day at work is better than drinking a lot of alcohol. You will come off as a bit more refined and also communicate something you like and something that is less meaningful for you.
Do Be Pushy
This can be a piece of advice for internet dating that may need clarification. Be careful not to use words that impose a thought, belief or need onto another person without even having that intension. Imposing yourself on another will make a new beginning end fast. Take it slow until the relationship progresses a bit. You may then relax a bit with this piece of advice. Always defer to the other person in the way you phrase a sentence. Be clear on how you feel, but let the wording signal the ability to agree or disagree. this is all part of getting to know the person and if they meet your requirements and needs in a relationship.
Be Confident and Encouraging
Nobody likes a sad Sally when they go online. Who wants to be in an ongoing relationship with such a person? This is where people sometime go wrong my talking about failed past relationships. Stay positive when you are writing with your new online friend. Wee all have down days, and that is fine to share sometimes. But don’t make it the focus of the online conversation. It can show that you are becoming comfortable with that person but too much is sure to lead to trouble. If there starts to be a pattern wit the other person this person may not be a good match. Remember you are looking for a great relationship and not to be a counselor. We all have our struggles, but good news is a turn on for most.
Cliff Hangers Can be Fun
Just about everybody likes a cliff hanger in a story or book. Online dating is no different. You might think about your internet relationship as a multi-course dinner. Leave leave the person salivating for next part of the meal. A good way is to pose a question or two that requires consideration or research. This will allow them to bring something to your next meeting. Apply this to yourself. Let them know what you find the next time you write or interact with them online. e.g. “I heard about a couple good Chinese restaurants in town. I will let yo know what I find net time we talk.”
first time Meeting
This is big. it can be really important if you get to this point. You need to meet your online date in a busy place. No exceptions. Neutral territory. All the online interaction in the world will never replace that first meeting and a true evaluation. Stay calm. Take a couple deep breaths. Be a good listener. Reflect back to them what you hear them saying in your own words. But also contribute. It is also important for them to test for compatibility as well. Stay within areas where you can find help quickly. It will probably go fairly well but always safety first.
be Authentic
Have you heard that one before also known as be yourself or be real?” A certain degree of who you are will seep into the online relationship but there is no replacement for being there face-to-face. Faking who you are or being phony will end a relationship in a flash. We have all heard those stories. Be who you are and the need for online dating advice will disappear. God luck.