According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), 18 percent of the American population are affected by anxiety disorders. That’s 18% of our population. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), alcohol misuse cost the United States $249.0 billion in 2010. Well, I know you heard that up to two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women has been shown to have some health benefits. But, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), 2014 report 200 diseases and injury-related health conditions are caused by alcohol abuse. So, is there a relationship between alcohol use and anxiety relief? How about alcohol and anxiety attacks? Is there an anxiety and alcohol cycle?
Stressful Events
The story goes like this: you are anxious about meeting a new date, you have had a stressful day at work or you are worried about your finances. Retirement is coming up but do I have enough money? Maybe you have been having panic attacks around finances, relationships or family. You decided to have a beer or a glass of wine to help calm yourself. After all, you deserve it, you have had a rough day. You feel a little better. The next time you begin to feel anxious you consume alcohol again. The feelings dissipate, at least temporarily. Are we developing a cycle or habit pattern?
The Habit Loop
Alcohol Effects Relaxation and Sleep
Research studies have clearly shown a link between reduction of muscles along the spine and consumption of alcohol. Other studies have shown the first 50% of your sleep is deeper after consuming alcohol. But the downside is the last 50% is really bad resulting in morning fatigue.
Brain Effects
You may have heard that dopamine and serotonin are neurotransmitters involved in the pleasure center of the brain known as the nucleus accumbens. This is your pleasure center of the brain. These brain chemicals affect your mood and thus anxiety and depression. The problem is the more that we drink alcohol to stimulate feeling good; the less effective these natural neurotransmitters become. Over time you come to rely more on alcohol to feel better and avoid emotional pain. This dependence can lead to addiction.
Life-Saving Effects of the SNS
Sympathetic nervous system (SNS) arousal is a normal process that is designed to save our lives. We all experience bursts of the SNS if someone cuts us off on a busy highway. Anxiety results when this system is activated when it is not necessary for survival. An anxiety disorder develops when this system is activated excessively or over a longer period of time. Thus, our occupation, relationships, and health are impacted. It is not a fact of whether we will become anxious ur rather how often and how long it takes us to recover. You can learn to recover more frequently from anxiety. You can also learn to challenge fearful anxiety producing thoughts in the first place. There are many alternatives to alcohol abuse fo anxiety management.
Anxiety and Alcohol Problems
Disorders involving anxiety are strongly associated with alcohol abuse and dependence. According to the ADAA, “people with a social anxiety disorder also suffer from alcohol abuse or dependence.” About 20 percent of people with social anxiety also have a significant alcohol problem affecting their lifestyle. Recent research found a stronger connection for women. The good news is that anxiety treatment is Jacksonville is an alternative to alcohol abuse.
What to Do About Drinking for Anxiety
We know that many people self-medicate to reduce their SNS or feelings of anxiety in Jacksonville. If you are using alcohol to calm your feelings of anxiety, you may want to choose from one or more alternatives. We have many suggestions in my blog series. Yoga, meditation, relaxation exercises, exercise, hobbies, support from friends and family, mentorship and many others. Seeking the assistance of a clinical psychologist in Jacksonville may be the best solution for many. If alcohol is primary to managing your stress and anxiety don’t hesitate to contact our office. Psychologists are skilled at helping you seek alternatives to alcohol for managing your lifestyle stress or persistent worries. There is no shame in wellness!