Hey guys, it’s Dr. Chris. Online dating can be a great way to meet new people. But do you have anxiety about this enterprise? Well, you are not alone. If you are a busy person and you are not a fan of going to bars; online dating may be the best solution. But, you need to be cautious. In this video will give you some tips to improve your success and avoid problems.
Watch out for some common things that people are dishonest about on their personal profile. Most commonly they include weight, height, occupation, and age. Be careful that people may exaggerate a little bit. This is intended to make them look more desirable.
Here are some other common examples. They may embellish their travel experience. They may also be dishonest about their education. As mentioned before, even some pictures can’t be trusted. Some people use photos from when they were younger or more fit. Importantly, we know that some people lie when it comes to relationship status. It is a sad truth that people who are married have been on online dating sites. Married people have been known to state they are single on online dating sites. I have had more than one patient over the years who have been tricked in this way. One of my patients even traveled to England only to learn the guy she had been communicating with for months was married.
Usually, online dating sites permit you to use an anonymous way to communicate. Definitely, take advantage of their internal communication system. Once you become comfortable with someone you may wish to share an email address. But, set up a free email address. Use that one only for the online dating. You can easily get a new email address from Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, etc.
Sharing personal information can get you into trouble. Let’s be honest, it feels good when we seem to connect with someone. The possibility of a new romance and “that one” is exciting. But, because online dating is anonymous, it is vital that you protect your personal information. Use your first or middle name only. Never tell people exactly where you go to school or work. Tell them something like - I work in the suburbs for a tech company. If they ask, Which one? Tell them politely that you’ll be happy to share that information once you get to know them better. Reasonable people respect and understand that sharing information over the internet requires caution. your decision to not share. If they don’t get that then it is probably a good idea to move on. Never give out your location or address. Only after knowing the person much better should you give out your telephone number. Cell phone numbers can be tracked.
Keep things light until you meet that special person from a dating site. Getting serious too fast can be a disaster. Be friendly but keep things on the lighter side until you know the person better. Ask them questions about their life and values. People like to talk about themselves. You need to get to know them a lot better before you share too much. Dating services can be fun and a great way to find that special person.
Ask yourself what are your requirements or nonnegotiable in a relationship. Ask questions that flush out that information. Is it a deal breaker if the person doesn’t want children, wants a stay a home more or doesn’t, etc.? Using online dating sites to their full potential will help you find that person with whom you really gel.
It is simply reality that there are some really bad actors out there. Of course meeting, someone of poor character can also occur at work, in a bar or at the gym. But with online dating, the level of secrecy is increased. The innocent can be protected but those bad actors can sometimes get away with more.
I will tell you a secret. I met my wife on a credible online dating site. It’s true. These pitfalls and dangers weren’t mentioned to scare you. Online dating sites can provide a safe, fun, and really cool ways to meet people. Please keep these pointers in mind. Use common sense. Most people on online dating sites are seriously looking for someone they can connect with, have fun with, and maybe even fall in love with. That special person may be out there waiting for you!