Stress will affect us daily. Coping with stress is the key to productivity and wellness. But there are certain times of the year when stress can be more problematic. Holidays, anniversaries, major purchases, marriage, divorce, new jobs, and many others. Sometimes, you might feel pressured by everything all at once. This can lead to additional emotional strain which may prove to be unbearable after a time. This stress may overrule your mind. So, in this article, we will provide effective stress reduction tips you can use now!
Personal Affirmations
Come up with your own personal affirmation, a brief, encouraging statement that allows you to focus on positive thoughts. Say your affirmation over and over when you're feeling stress or anxiety, and it can help to quiet the self-critical voices in your head. Remind yourself whatever may come, you can handle it. Repeat to yourself that you can manage your reactions. Choose an affirmation that responds to the voices that are bothering you. Here is one of my favorites. "Each and every day I become better in every way."
Keep a Diary
One way to get rid of excess stress is writing it down. Things that you might find too stressful to discuss with others can be safely written down to keep your stress under control. Keep a diary of the things that are causing stress in your life, go back and reflect on the ways that you handled them more effectively.
Review Your Coping Methods
Take the time to review your current stress-relief strategies to see if there might be a more effective way to deal with stress. Look at how you respond to stress in your life over an extended period of time. See whether or not your reactions to different situations can be improved. If your stress became worse, try to develop new coping skills until you find things that work for you.
Although video games and certain other hobbies can help you relax, you shouldn't play them once you become frustrated with them. It is important to keep in mind that you are trying to clear your thoughts and not replace your stress with powerful frustration.
Here is a quick and effective stretch. What you need to do is stand a foot away from a wall or bar and lean forward, pushing as hard as you can into the wall and floor. Stretching and exerting your hamstrings can help relieve stress.
It is quite common when your day is moving at a million miles an hour, that your brain is three feet in front of the rest of you. In these situations, it is vital that you slow down and start taking deep breaths so that you can gain a clear perspective. Breathing taps directly into the parasympathetic nervous system or that part of the nervous system that calms you. Develop cues in the environment to engage in a deep breath. I use a beep on my smartphone. Limit the times during the day when you rush to ease your anxiety.
Get Assistance
If you are a having trouble with a particular subject, hire a mentor or tutor. This will help you to get the assistance that you need so you are not stressing out when it comes time to complete a project. When you feel prepared, you will automatically be less anxious.
Take a Walk
Changing the scene, even for a few minutes, can make a big difference. Do your breathing, go for a brief walk and get some sunlight and fresh air, if possible. Between patients, I will often walk outside my office. It is amazing what a short walk can to clear your mind and reduce acute stress.
It is important to remember that there is no reason to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. This article gave you some great pointers on how to overcome the negative effects of stress. Your biggest hurdle now is simply to incorporate the tips into your life. Do it now!