Health Anxiety Tips: Challenging Worry Thoughts Now During These Stressful Times
3 Minute Read
There is a lot of information out there on health anxiety. You can easily find articles in magazines, books and even websites that provide information about the many different symptoms of anxiety. But if you want to understand what it is all about and how you can overcome it, you need to look for some helpful health anxiety tips. This article will be your guide through the various symptoms that you can face during these stressful times.
You may experience an acute fear of having another panic attack. This is when you feel very vulnerable and are at risk for losing control and panicking again. You may experience episodes of nausea and dizziness. The physical symptoms are part of the anxiety and will pass with a calming method you can learn such as slowed breathing.
Another one of the health anxiety tips that you need to know is that you can have an episode of agoraphobia when you feel threatened by situations that cause the body to experience fear. For example, being in a public place where you can get attacked by other people who are obviously not there for your protection. These are usually known as social phobias.
Sometimes people develop this anxiety related to a past trauma. But that was then and this is now. It is important to remind yourself that the trauma is fortunately behind you. Do you have credible evidence that someone is out to hurt you today?
In addition, you might also have an anxiety of being alone. This may also be related to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is characterized by frequent flashbacks or reliving of traumatic events that can happen to you in your life. Usually this type of anxiety is linked to past traumas or painful memories. But, ask yourself if the danger present now? Consider getting good therapy for PTSD.
The symptoms of panic attacks are actually the opposite of agoraphobia. It is a condition where you fear being in certain situations and can easily have an episode of anxiety when you feel threatened by something that causes anxiety.
Healthy Activities Work
Another of the health anxiety tips that you need to know is that you have a problem with excessive sweating. You will find yourself sweating profusely if you are under anxiety. The sweating will decline when the anxiety declines. Consider using a calming method or learning calming methods that work for you.
Anxiety is known to cause physical and mental disorders if it is prolonged over time. Prolonged stress and anxiety is bad for your health and can contribute to heart disease, hypertension, obesity or excessive weight loss, insomnia, depression, gastrointestinal problems and headaches.
If you think that you may be suffering from anxiety, then you need to consult your primary care physician. But remember that the first line of treatment is counseling or psychotherapy and not drugs.
There are some medications available that can help you control anxiety and get back to a normal life. But these medicines can lead to physical and or psychological dependence. There are also self-help methods you can follow in order to reduce your anxiety.
These are just some of the health anxiety tips that you need to know. Remember that all of these symptoms can be related to anxiety and are just symptoms of the problem that you have.
To avoid further anxiety, you need to do things that will relieve the stress in your life. Take deep breaths and try to relax before you go to work or school. Look at your internal self-talk. Is there real or perceived danger out there for you today. This will help you eliminate the stress that you are feeling.
Get your mind off the things that make you anxious. Try taking deep breaths before you go to sleep and try to calm down before you get out of bed. Consider thinking about three (3) things that happened that day that you can be grateful for
Exercise regularly and eat healthy foods. These things will help you to reduce your anxiety by giving you energy and giving you a sense of well-being. Remember, any exercise is better than no exercise. It could just be walking around the block. Start low and go slow to build up your positive and health habits.
Try to exercise on a daily basis if possible. If you cannot exercise because of your job, try to go for walks or bike rides at least a few times a week.
If you want to get rid of your anxiety fast, then you should read this article again. Sharing what you learned with others is a great way to consolidate the information in your mind. It will give you some health anxiety tips that you can use to treat your anxiety.
Remember, talk to someone who can help. We are here for you.