Posts tagged health anxiety
Health Anxiety Tips: Challenging Worry Thoughts Now During These Stressful Times

There is a lot of information out there on health anxiety. You can easily find articles in magazines, books and even websites that provide information about the many different symptoms of anxiety. But if you want to understand what it is all about and how you can overcome it, you need to look for some helpful health anxiety tips. This article will be your guide through the various symptoms that you can face during these stressful times.

You may experience an acute fear of having another panic attack. This is when you feel very vulnerable and are at risk for losing control and panicking again. You may experience episodes of nausea and dizziness. The physical symptoms are part of the anxiety and will pass with a calming method you can learn such as slowed breathing.

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How to Overcome Fear of Dying in Sleep

Thanatophobia is an irrational form of fear that typically includes a fear of death or the end of one's life. It is more commonly called death phobia. Death phobia is not necessarily a different condition, but is more often associated with other anxiety disorders such as panic attacks or generalized anxiety disorder. There are many symptoms associated with the fear of dying, including a fear of going to sleep. One may also have difficulty breathing or experience trouble in swallowing food or drink. In severe cases, one may not sleep at all during the night and have a constant, gnawing fear that they will die.

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