Nine (9) Major Anxiety Disorders That Need Expert Treatment Today
Disorders of anxiety usually last at least six months. These anxiety disorders involve a magnification of fear relative to the actual danger that is present. They frequently involve nonadaptive behaviors by the person to avoid the anxiety-provoking object or situation. This avoidance actually perpetuates the problem.
Ask yourself if you suffer from any of the adult types of anxiety disorders described below. If so, you may wish to seek anxiety treatment in Jacksonville or beyond.
What is Separation Anxiety Disorder?
This disorder is characterized by significant anxiety when separating from an individual with whom they have developed a close emotional attachment. While this frequently occurs in children, it can also occur in adults. Three of the following contains are met.
1. Ongoing intense anxiety when experiencing or even anticipating separation from home or the significant other.
2. Obsessive over-thinking or rumination over the potential harm coming to a significant attachment.
3. Ongoing refusal or unwillingness to sleep away from home when not with attached figures. Recurrent nightmares about separation. Physical manifestations of stress such as nausea, headaches, stomach upset when expecting to be separated.
Do I Have a Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
This anxiety problem often referred to simply as GAD is characterized by the following:
1. Intense and constant feeling of anxiety regarding just about anything.
2. A daily struggle to manage worries.
3. Often anticipating some type of disaster that might occur even without evidence.
What is Social Anxiety Disorder?
As the name implies this anxiety involves social interaction. People may:
1. Experience a substantial fear that other people will judge them.
2. Particularly in a social or performance situation.
3. Their mid is replete with fears of possible embarrassment or being humiliated in some way.
4. This anxiety can prevent people from dating, socializing or even traveling to far from home.
OCD or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
This term is often used loosely by the lay public to refer to people her are perfectionistic. However, OCD is a serious behavioral health problem that leads to severe and sometimes disabling anxiety. Obsessions emerge as uncontrollable thoughts and the compulsion is the act or behavior that that thought directs the person to do. The person believes that not engaging in the behavior will lead to a catastrophic outcome. At one level, people are often ‘aware’ that the outcome is unlikely. Despite this, they continue to be compelled to engage in the behavior.
There are numerous types of OCD which can include contamination, hoarding, checking, intrusive thoughts, etc. There are actually four types of OCD. They are: Fear of Accidental Harm and Checking; Counting, Arranging or Making Things ‘Just Right,’ Bad Thoughts and Mental Rituals and finally Contamination and Washing.
Many years ago, I treated a young woman who would take up to two hours or more to make her bed “perfectly.” Finally, she finished the bed one day and then began sleeping on the floor. She has become exhausted by the anxiety disorder.
PTSD or Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
This serious disorder can be acute, chronic or delayed in onset. The person was exposed to a life-threatening or potentially life-threatening event or they may have witnessed someone they are attached to go through such as horrific event. Most people can overcome the major symptoms of exposure in a relatively short period of time. But as many as 25% of people continue to experience repeated severe anxiety and avoidant behavior to triggers of the event even though there is no real danger. Early intervention is best but many people can successfully overcome trauma from the past with appropriate treatment combined with good motivation.
Have You Been Experiencing Panic Disorder?
It is possible to have an episode of intense panic related to an identifiable stressor without developing panic disorder. However, you may have a Panic Disorder if:
1. Panic feelings arise out of “nowhere” and occur “unexpectedly.”
2. Attacks result in a fear of anxiety.
3. You now have developed anxiety about getting an anxiety episode.
4. You may begin to avoid going out for fear of panicking
There are different degrees of Agoraphobia. Having the problem does not necessarily involve a fear of leaving the home. This disorder is characterized by:
1. Fear and avoidance of places or situations where the person believes they may panic or feel trapped.
2. The may fear environments where they perceive helplessness or becoming embarrassed.
3. Consequently, using public transportation, standing in line in the store, being in a crowd or open or enclosed spaces is feared.
4. As can be seen from the above, agoraphobia can occur with panic disorder or involve components of social anxiety disorder.
5. This may represent a every extreme form of Social Anxiety noted above.
Specific Phobias
Phobias are characterized by avoiding certain places, objects or situations. Snake and spider phobias are quite common. Specific phobias can be problematic depending upon the circumstances. For example, many years ago a patient of mine had a fear of traveling in elevators. She lived and worked in environments that allowed her to take the steps. Thus, her phobia did not impact her life. However, she started dating a man who lived in Manhattan in a 35-story building. She came in for treatment when the relationship was in jeopardy because she would never visit him in New York City at his 15th floor apartment.
Health Related Anxiety Disorders
Some people worry excessively about becoming sick or severely ill. Even though their personal care doctor has reassured them that the tests are negative, they continue to obsess that something must be terribly wrong. Paradoxically, this type of obsessive anxiety can lead to them being physically ill.
Dr. Wolf has been helping people overcome anxiety and stress related problems for 30 years. If you are sick and tired of being anxious and are motivated to change, reach out for a FREE no obligation 20-minute strategy session. We are here to help.