Save a Pet's Life and Calm Your Anxiety During this Stressful Time
Do you have a pet? In this stressful time during the outbreak of COVID-19, a pet can be your best friend. Researchers are finding real benefits to pet ownership. Studies show that pets confer all sorts of health benefits, including lower cholesterol, reduced blood pressure and even less risk of heart disease. How?
Beat Stress
Well, by combating stress and relieving depression. Just stroking a dog or cat can create a surge of oxytocin and endorphins. These are hormones that promote bonding and feelings of well-being.
Exercise Reduces Stress
Dogs that need to be exercised daily also improve their owners’ health. Not because the walk is vigorous enough to promote cardiovascular fitness. Many dogs, like our yellow lab, spend more time sniffing than moving. It’s because getting outside into sunshine and green spaces tends to lift our mood and lower stress.
Move to Reduce Depression and Anxiety
Research has also shown us that movement improves mood. I remember many years ago I was working with a young woman who was depressed and lived alone. She went out rarely. During one session she showed up looking particularly depressed. Since the hospital where I worked at the time was only a block and a half from the ocean, I suggested a walk while we talked. It was fall and there was little activity on the boardwalk by the ocean.
During the 50 minute session we walked the boardwalk and then returned to the hospital. I will never forget the change in her affect and mood. It was definitely better than the drug she had be prescribed by her psychiatrist. So, we know that walking can change brain chemistry.
Meet New People
There are also many social advantages. As most dog walkers know, it is inevitable that you meet nice people on the walk in your neighborhood or at the dog park. And, if you have a puppy, you will get tons of positive attention. You may also run into someone you don’t know. Walking a dog greatly increases your chances of getting acquainted with passers-by or even getting to know some neighbors you have never met. My wife often tells me about a new person and their dog she met while walking our dog.
Lengthen Your Life
The evidence is clear. Pets don’t just enhance our days they improve and lengthen our lives. It is rare that I don’t get a smile form one of my patients when I show them a picture of my dog.
Help Yourself Save a Pet
There are over 200 million dogs and cats in the U.S. and Canada. While it is true that caring for a pet requires some effort and work on your part, it is well worth it. The benefits to your health, stress reduction and overall wellbeing far outweigh the costs.
Approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter U.S. animal shelters nationwide every year.
Each year, approximately 1.5 million shelter animals are euthanized (670,000 dogs and 860,000 cats. Help yourself and save a life. Adopt a pet today.
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