The Many Health Effects of Stress During a Pandemic and What to Do Now
Stress is a universal experience. We all experience stress on a daily basis, even if it is not consciously thought about. However, the health effects of stress can have serious consequences on our lives. This has never been more of concern than during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic affecting American families.
There are various forms of stress, including physical, mental, and emotional stress. Physical stress is commonly referred to as "fight or flight", where the stress response is triggered in order to deal with perceived threats to the individual's safety.
The psychological stress associated with the traumatic experience such as the serious illness or sudden death of a significant other is also a form of stress. For example, people who are recently separated, divorced or widowed, and those who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), experience psychological stress through flashbacks, nightmares, avoidance and impaired sleep.
Psychological stress can manifest itself as depression, substance abuse, anger management issues, and social anxiety. People who are diagnosed with clinical depression, and those who have PTSD, may find it difficult to live their lives normally due to their intense fear of future negative events.
Other emotional symptoms include feeling anxious, nervous, and depressed. Chronic stress is the kind that lasts over months or years. It can lead to many different health conditions and illnesses. These often include digestive disorders, headaches, back pain, memory loss, and stomach problems.
Chronic stress can also lead to depression. People who are diagnosed with PTSD may find it hard to cope with everyday tasks, such as driving to work or dealing with everyday responsibilities at home or work. Because chronic stress has no specific trigger, individuals react to their surroundings differently. Some people may become extremely anxious, while others may become extremely depressed.
Chronic stress can be a major contributor to high blood pressure, which is often known as hypertension. It is also a cause of arthritis and cardiovascular disease. Individuals with depression who are exposed to constant stressful situations, such as living in a bad neighborhood, or working in an environment that creates high levels of stress, are more likely to develop hypertension or heart disease. In fact, depression has been known to significantly increase the risk of having hypertension.
It is estimated that stress can cause some serious consequences to your health. A few of these consequences include: Cancer, stroke, cardiovascular disease, depression, and heart attack. Studies show that the cumulative effects of stress can lead to several serious ailments that are life threatening. These illnesses can range from asthma and bronchitis, to heart failure and death.
Arterial Plaque is a condition where the arteries narrow, which causes hardening and thickening of blood vessel walls. As the walls harden, hardening of arteries causes blood to flow very slowly through the body, reducing the flow of blood to the heart. This narrowing of arteries causes the heart to pump harder, thus causing hypertension.
How to Manage and Relieve Stress and Anxiety Now
Stress and anxiety are very common experiences for many people as noted above. During this pandemic and social unrest stress has increased further. In fact, almost 70% of Americans say that they experience some sort of anxiety or stress every day.
Take Action to Manage Stress
Now, here are 16 effective ways to reduce stress and anxiety.
Exercise is probably the best thing that you can do for your body, mind and spirit to alleviate stress and tension. When you are stressed, your mind is occupied with a variety of thoughts such as worrying about tomorrow, worrying about what to do, thinking about the family, thinking about the day's daily tasks, etc.
To be able to deal with this stress effectively, make a list of everything that you need to do for today. The first step that you should take is to clear your mind and relax. This is done by closing your eyes and imagining your life before you. Focus on the beautiful scenery or a tranquil scene.
Try to avoid stressful situations if you have the chance. The more you know yourself and others better, the better decisions you will make. If you have to deal with such a situation, find a stress management technique that will help you overcome your stress effectively.
There are techniques such as deep breathing, relaxation, meditation, yoga and other relaxation techniques that will help you manage your stress effectively. Once you have reached a calm and peaceful state, try to face your stressful situation without thinking about it.
When faced with a stressful situation, think positively. Think of the positive things that you have accomplished in your work or your relationships. When you face a stressful situation, just think of positive thoughts. Try to focus your attention and energy on the positive things that you have accomplished.
Another method of dealing with stress and anxiousness is to learn how to manage your daily activities in order to prevent yourself from experiencing such stressful events. For example, if you have a social event coming up, make sure that you have a list of everything that you need to do. On the day of the event, remember to bring enough snacks, drinks, a few clothes, a lot of money, and perhaps an extra set of keys in case you get lost. Also, ensure that you bring a small camera with you so that you don't forget any important information. You also need to have a pen and paper with you so that you will not forget to write your business card, credit card and resume.
When you have been through your daily activities successfully, your next step is to let go of your stress by relaxing yourself and getting rid of all negative emotions. You can relax yourself by taking a warm bath, listening to soothing music, taking a relaxing walk or by reading your favorite book.
These are just some effective ways of reducing stress. It is important to remember that your mind and body need time to rest and regenerate. If you want to be relaxed, then you need to make time to relax on a regular basis.
If you want to develop strategies to reduce your health anxiety and stress further, please reach out for a Free no obligation 20-minute consultation.