An Expert Discusses Understanding Untreated Adult ADHD
There is no one test for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Jacksonville. A comprehensive evaluation completed with a professional psychologist is best done to establish a diagnosis.
Sometimes a physician or psychiatrist will make a diagnosis based upon a brief questionnaire or in the case of children an interview of the parents and brief observation of the child. From my perspective this is a mistake because this may lead to a false positive result and quick fix with medication.
If you don’t have a childhood history of ADHD, it is best to complete some testing. The evaluation requires sustained mental effort to complete.
In addition to the testing, information related to your current functioning and background information is gathered. Some of this may be done through a detailed questionnaire that is easy for you to complete.
Reports from several people are also helpful in establishing a diagnosis: (1) parents report about home functioning, (2) educational reports about school functioning, (3) co-workers report about work functioning, and (4) friends report about social functioning.
A testing battery may include symptom checklists, rating scales to identify emotional and behavioral signs, intelligence testing, and achievement testing. I like to use a continuous performance test (CPT).
A CPT measures a person's sustained and selective attention. Your sustained attention is your ability to keep a consistent focus on some continuous activity or cue. This has been associated with impulsivity which is a factor in ADHD.
How Common is ADHD
By definition, ADHD begins in childhood prior to age 12 and according to recent research, it can continue into adulthood. While some children “outgrow” ADHD, evidence suggests that up to 70% can continue to carry symptoms of inattention into adulthood, with hyperactivity typically diminishing with age.
A National Comorbidity Survey found that 4.4% of adults in the US have ADHD. Of those adults, 38% are women and 62% men. Studies have also shown that men are more prone to hyperactivity persisting into adulthood than women.
Is Adult ADHD Different from Childhood ADHD?
Since ADHD is a neurological condition that starts during childhood, symptoms that adults experience are not new, but rather, have continued from childhood.
Many adults with continued symptoms notice problems with paying attention to details, organization, talking too fast. Many have difficulties focusing and concentrating.
Adults with ADHD have less problems with hyperactivity. They may have developed coping strategies over the years or the symptoms have diminished or lessened.
We have no evidence that ADHD develops during adulthood. However, if someone had a concussion or some other neurological event then they may have attention problems similar to ADHD.
Concentration problems and distractibility in adults are often due to other problems. These could include significant stress, anxiety, depression, work problems or relationship or marital problems. Insomnia can also be a factor, particularly if it is chronic.
The above or other neurological or behavioral health problems can mimic ADHD but they are not ADHD.
What Specifically Are the Problems We See in Adult ADHD?
Here is a list of problems that may be present in Adult ADHD that may or may not have been seen in childhood ADHD.
- Poor Self-Control - Easily Bored
- Forgetfulness - Low Self-esteem
- Difficulty Focusing - Substance Abuse
- Poor Time Management - Poor Regulation of Feelings
- Relationship Stress - Anxiety
- Depression - Mood Swings
- Poor Time Perception - Occupational Problems
- Erratic Work Performance - Risk Taking
- Impulse Control Issues - Often Late
If you or someone you care about has Adult ADHD, please consider a FREE no obligation 20-minute consultation or strategy session.
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